Okay, nak review nih! Haha
Nak review satu produk yang saya rasa best sangat!
Okay, kita mulakan review dengan masuk sejarah dulu. Bukan sejarah produk ini tapi sejarah saya dan produk-produk ini. Masa sekolah menengah saya pakai Hazeline Snow Lightning Cream. Yang penutup putih. So far, produk itu bagus! Sebab itu saya percaya pada jenama Hazeline. Masa saya search pasal review produk ini, (saya jenis nak beli kena review dulu) saya tgk semua bagi POSITIVE review. Terus terimbau kenangan guna hazeline cream yang dulu. *sekarang xpakai dah, gatai tgn nak tukar produk.
Hazeline Lighting Cream
Rupanya, hazeline ni dah laaaammmaaaa digunakan oleh nenek-nenek kita! Awesome gila sebab bertahan sehingga sekarang.
Okay, jom start review!
Saya beli di Cosway setelah jalan satu mall utk mencari mosturizer. Dah try tester macam-macam moisturizer tapi yang ini saya pilih. KENAPA? Sebab masa tu saya xde duit banyak. Produk ini murah tau! Dalam RM6.00++ ajeeee. Itu yang saya pilih ini.
Dia punya tekstur cream semi solid, warnanya putih seakan snow. Bila nak pakai, kena tekan sikit. Once apply, sapukan di seluruh muka.
Ok sesetengah moisturizer bagi kulit berminyak, tapi ini tidak! Its really GOOD. Saya pakai bersama toner Safi and saya dapati setelah berminggu-minggu pakai, muka jadi lebih sihat dan sekata. Sangat berpuas hati!
Dan dikatakan hazeline snow mampu rawat jerawat. Mungkin kerana kandungannya terdapat Benzoy Acid.
Pakai sebelum tidur dan jerawat akan kecut bila bangun nanti. Hazeline Snow Moisturizer ni ada bau macam ros sikit so kepada sesapa yang suka bau tu kira ngamlah, if not kena terima. haha
A highly recommend kepada sesiapa yang nak pakai moisturizer tetapi ada jerawat. Dalam melindungi kulit, ia boleh mengecutkan jerawat.

Oktober 2013
Ogos 2014
Done my review.
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ReplyDeleteim looking for it long times ago too~ where can I buy it in KL? or online?
ReplyDeleteHi everyone. Since you are looking this product in KL, i suggest you search at Cosway or any pharmaceutical store or health care. It is a good product you know.
ReplyDeleteplease give me the Cosway location which you can get the Hazelin soonest possible, terima kasih , Lim
ReplyDeleteIm sorry Lim, I've just opened up my blog. I bought it at Cosway Sungai Petani. But i think only big Cosway have it. Hope you found it. :)
DeleteJust adding in...I have seen Hazeline Snow in a couple of 7-11s here in Miri, Sarawak (saw them barely a few nights ago)...you might be able to find them in any 7-11 in KL.
ReplyDeleteOhhh really? Yeah might be they sell it there too. Sometimes at old uncle shop have it. But rarely we could see that kind of shop now. huhu
DeleteSgt2 bersetuju. This product is awesome. I dah menggunakan more than 10yrs until now. So far, fairer skin, no pimple or parut luka. Even org slalu confuse either me chinese or not sbb muka cerah semulajadi. :) Tapi malangnya I just heard this product will be discontinue. gosh!! whre can I get after this,, :'(
ReplyDeleteSetuju! Produk ni best. Yeah, sedih pula bila kita nak jadi loyal customer they stop the production. Sebab tu saya beli banyak2. Heee.... Memang product ni sesuai dengan saya. And yg penting tahan lama. Tu yang saya suka.
DeleteAnyone know where i can still buy Hazeline Snow Cream ? I'm from JB.
ReplyDeleteHave you search at Cosway? thats where I bought it. Best of luck.
DeleteHi everyone..... Sorry for replying late, been bz doing assignment and stuff. For those who want to search this product, I suggest you start looking at Cosway. I've bought it at Cosway, Amanjaya Mall, Sungai Petani. However not all Cosway have it, only big one. When I scatter around searching this product, many sellers told that the factory have stop produce this ohsemmmm product. T^T so sad to hear it. Please buy 2 or 3 when u found it. Oya, if anyone want me to buy it for you (if the store still have stocks) you guys can email me at fadhliahpesol@gmail.com. Tq and have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteHuhuhu...sya mmg nk cri blk produk ni sbb dlu msa sek men mmg pki produk ni.walaupn stiap ptg sya tlibat xtvt sukan tp xde mslh.mmg ok sgt.skrg muka sya dh bnyk dark sport.agak2 blh hilang x dark sport ni.
ReplyDeleteBoleh juga sbg alternatif. Pakailah sekali scrub dan charcoal mask utk kulit jadi bersih.
DeleteSalam. For those who search for this product, unfortunately it has stop its production. Sad but true.
ReplyDeletebaru ingt nk mtl u tlg belikan this product..tgk2 u ckp diaorg dh stop produce this product..sbb dkt kl memang susah sgt nk cari.. hmmm so sad..kalau sapa2 yg trjumpa pls let me know ya.. tq (naeemah88@gmail.com or 018-2412130 (wassup)
ReplyDeleteDiindonesia masi ada dijual,saya beliny 6kotak sekaligus karena dengar uda ga produce lagi,dijual dipasar traditional,jerawat saya uda ga muncul lagi sekarang,tgl bekasny saja yang agak susah hilang,karena terlalu kering biasany ane oles pelembab lain dl sebelum saya oles hazelineny
ReplyDeleteDi indonesia beliny dmna mb?
DeleteHai,, saya bisa bantu belikan,, invite pin saya 7f9f2474 atau sms ke 082244299422
DeleteDi indo belinya dimana yaa ? interested banget sama product ini . penge beliiiiiiiiiii :(((
DeleteKenapa aku pake hazeline snow yg tutupnya kuning malah jadi jerawat kecil2.. ga cocok gitu ?
ReplyDeleteSibu,Sarawak still can buy
ReplyDeleteMiri sarawak ada banyak jual benda ni. Rasa2 dapat hilangkan bekas jerawat tak?
ReplyDeleteMiri sarawak ada banyak jual benda ni. Rasa2 dapat hilangkan bekas jerawat tak?
ReplyDeleteHi. Sorry maaf reply. Oh di Sarawak masih banyak lagi? Kalau bekas jerawat tuuu try apply gel Aloe Vera.. Dia kaya dengan Vitamin. Kalau ada jerawat besar2, pakaila hazeline sebab dia bertindak mengecutkan jerawat. :)
DeleteFor those who still searching for the last stocks of HAZELINE SNOW, SARAWAK still sold it. So ask your friends or family in Sarawak to purchase it. Or if you drop by to Sarawak, be sure to look for it. Best of luck.
DeleteIm selling e yellow bott 100g in spore.
Produk ni discontinued? Eh.. Kenapa ada lagi yer... Produksi baru, masih penutup kuning dan satu lagi, penutup putih (lightening), produksi tahun lepas, expiry date 2019 lagi. Pengeluar masih Unilever Malaysia, Menara TM, KL.. Bau masih sama...
ReplyDeleteReally? You jumpa area mana? sebab dulu i tanya kat kedai i selalu beli. dia yang cakap dah discontinued. Kalau still ada lagi Alhamdulillah
DeleteThanks for the review. This product still available in my hometown, Sarawak. I've been searching for it in penang once, but they said it discontinue. I want to try it cuz I've read the positive reviews.
ReplyDeleteYeay Sarawak still have it right? Goodluck in trying it. Its a good product actually. A product that works!
Deletehi there. which shop in sarawak still sell this item? tq
Deletewhich shop in sarawak still sell this product?
ReplyDeleteHey Ming Lung.
Deletehere's a supplier that still sell in Sarawak. You can contact with her. :) blueberrysweet@gmail.com
I just bought mine last week from 11street. The price is still considerable! Really love to use this and not irritate at all!!
Expiry date is 2020. Bought both yellow (fav!) and green. :) hopefully can help who searching this.
ReplyDeleteHi. Thanks for the update and sorry for the reply. Really? Wow they are still selling it. Great news! I also have one bottle left. Thanks for the sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteIm fr spore, sellin 100g hazeline snow cream. I hav supplier fr sarawak.
Hi Tan. Hello from Malaysia.
DeleteIn Singapore have a lot of Hazeline Snow? Great to know. Thanks for the sharing. Maybe those who still searching for it can hurry contact you and your supplier. Goodluck!
ReplyDeleteIs limited stock as what e supplier mentioned. Cost price is high as compared to last time
My mom usin both e yellow & green bott but she stil prefer e green bott coz is for whitening
ReplyDeleteHi boleh saya tau ada jual dimana lagi produk ni sekarang?
ReplyDeleteDikedai ted lim ( india street kuching )ada jual..harga bawah rm10..
ReplyDeleteJauhnya.. saya di semenanjung
Deleteboleh tanya beli dimana
ReplyDeletedi indonesia sulit cari yang ori